中国科学院日地空间环境观测研究网络 Solar-Terrestrial Environment Research Network (STERN), Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Chen, B., W. Xu, G. Chen,A. Du, Y. Wu, X. Liu,
Latitudinal shift and tilt of the ring current during magnetic storms
, Chinese Science Bulletin [2009]
Chen, Y., L. Liu, W. Wan, X. Yue, S.-Y. Su,
Solar activity dependence of the topside ionosphere in low latitudes
, J. Geophys. Res. [2009]
He, M., L. Liu, W. Wan, B. Ning, B. Zhao, J. Wen, H. Le, and X. Yue,
A study of the Weddell Sea Anomaly observed by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC
, J. Geophys. Res. [2009]
Le, H., L. Liu, X. Yue, and W. Wan,
The ionospheric behavior in conjugate hemispheres during the 3 October 2005 solar eclipse
, Ann. Geophys. [2009]
Le, H., L. Liu, X. Yue, W. Wan, and B. Ning,
Latitudinal dependence of the ionospheric response to solar eclipses
, J. Geophys. Res. [2009]
Li, G., B. Ning, B. Zhao, L. Liu, W. Wan, F. Ding, J. S. Xu, J.Y. Liu, and K. Yumoto,
Characterizing the 10 November 2004 storm-time middle latitude plasma bubble event in Southeast Asia using multi-instrument observations
, J. Geophys. Res. [2009]
Li, G., B. Ning, L. Liu, W. Wan, and J. Y. Liu,
Effect of magnetic activity on plasma bubbles over equatorial and low-latitude regions in East Asia
, Ann. Geophysicae [2009]
Liu, L. and Y. Chen,
Statistical analysis of solar activity variations of total electron content derived at Jet Propulsion Laboratory from GPS observations
, J. Geophys. Res. [2009]
Liu, L., B. Zhao, W. Wan, B. Ning, M.-L. Zhang, and M. He,
Seasonal variations of the ionospheric electron densities retrieved from Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate mission radio occultation measurements
, J. Geophys. Res. [2009]
Liu, L., W. Wan, B. Ning, and M.-L. Zhang,
Climatology of the mean total electron content derived from GPS global ionospheric maps
, J. Geophys. Res. [2009]
Ren, Z., W. Wan, and L. Liu,
A new global coupled ionosphere- thermosphere-electrodynamics model
, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics [2009]
Ren, Z., W. Wan, L. Liu, and J. Xiong,
Intra-annual variation of wavenumber-4 structure of vertical E×B drifts in the equatorial ionosphere seen from ROCSAT-1
, J. Geophys. Res. [2009]
Ren, Z., W. Wan, L. Liu, R. A. Heelis, B. Zhao, Y. Wei, and X. Yue,
Influences of geomagnetic fields on longitudinal variations of vertical plasma drifts in the presunset equatorial topside ionosphere
, J. Geophys. Res. [2009]
Wei, Y., Z. Pu, M. Hong, Q. Zong, Z. Ren, S. Fu, L. Xie, S. Alex, X. Cao, J. Wang, X. Chu,
Westward ionospheric electric field perturbations on the dayside associated with substorm processes
, J. Geophys. Res. [2009]
Zhang, M.-L., W. Wan, L. Liu, and B. Ning ,
Variability study of the crest-to-trough TEC ratio of the equatorial ionization anomaly around 120°E longitude
, Adv. Space Res. [2009]
Zhang, M.-L., C. Liu, W. Wan, L. Liu, and B. Ning,
A global model of the ionospheric F2 peak height based on EOF analysis
, Ann. Geophysicae [2009]
Zhao, B., W. Wan, L. Liu, and Z. Ren,
Characteristics of the ionospheric total electron content of the equatorial ionization anomaly in the Asian-Australian region during 1996-2004
, Ann. Geophysicae [2009]
Zhao, B., W. Wan, L. Liu, K. Igarashi, K. Yumoto, and B. Ning,
Ionospheric response to the geomagnetic storm on 13-17 April 2006 in the West Pacific region
, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys. [2009]
Zuo, X., W. Wan, and G. Zhao,
An attempt to infer information on planetary wave by analyzing sporadic E layers observations
, Earth Planets Space [2009]
王敏, 丁锋, 万卫星, 宁百齐, 陈一定,
, 地球物理学报 [2009]
, 地球物理学报 [2009]
文坤杰, 刘立波, 万卫星, 宁百齐,
, 空间科学学报 [2009]
, 地球物理学报 [2009]
, 地球物理学报 [2009]
, 地球物理学进展 [2009]
, 地球物理学报 [2009]
余优, 万卫星, 刘立波, 赵必强,
, 地球物理学报 [2009]
, 地球物理学进展 [2009]