中国科学院日地空间环境观测研究网络 Solar-Terrestrial Environment Research Network (STERN), Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Chen, Yiding, and Libo Liu,
Further study on the solar activity variation of daytime NmF2
, Journal of Geophysical Research [2010]
Ding, Feng, Weixing Wan, Baiqi Ning, Libo Liu, Huijun Le, Guirong Xu, Min Wang, Guozhu Li, Yiding Chen, Zhipeng Ren, Bo Xiong, Lianhuan Hu, Xinan Yue, Biqiang Zhao, Fengqin Li, Min Yang,
GPS TEC response to the 22 July 2009 total solar eclipse in East Asia
, Journal of Geophysical Research [2010]
Du, A. M., Wen-Yao Xu, W. Sun,
Experimental evidence of direct penetration of upstream ULF waves from the solar wind into the magnetosphere during the strong magnetic storm of November 9, 2004
, Planetary and Space Science [2010]
He, Maosheng, Libo Liu, Weixing Wan, Jiuhou Lei, Biqiang Zhao,
Longitudinal modulation of the O/N2 column density retrieved from TIMED/GUVI measurement
, Geophysical Research Letters [2010]
Kil, H., L. J. Paxton, W. K. Lee, Z. Ren, S.-J. Oh, and Y.-S. Kwak,
Is DE2 the source of the ionospheric wave number 3 longitudinal structure?
, J. Geophys. Res. [2010]
Le, Huijun, Libo Liu, Feng Ding, Zhipeng Ren, Yiding Chen, Weixing Wan, Baiqi Ning, Guirong Xu, Min Wang, Guozhu Li, Bo Xiong, Lianhuan Hu,
Observations and modeling of the ionospheric behaviors over the east Asia zone during the 22 July 2009 solar eclipse
, Journal of Geophysical Research [2010]
Li, Guozhu, Baiqi Ning, Lianhuan Hu, Libo Liu, Xinan Yue, Weixing Wan, Biqiang Zhao, K. Igarashi, Minoru Kubota, Yuichi Otsuka, J. S. Xu, J. Y. Liu,
Longitudinal development of low-latitude ionospheric irregularities during the geomagnetic storms of July 2004
, Journal of Geophysical Research [2010]
Li, Guozhu, Baiqi Ning, Zhipeng Ren, Lianhuan Hu,
Statistics of GPS ionospheric scintillation and irregularities over polar regions at solar minimum
, GPS Solutions [2010]
Li, Zhijin, Baiqi Ning,
Planetary-scale wave observations over a low-latitude E region using simultaneous observations of VHF radar and ionosonde over Sanya (18.34°N, 109.62°E)
, Journal of Geophysical Research [2010]
Liu, J., B. Zhao, L. Liu,
Time delay and duration of ionospheric total electron content responses to geomagnetic disturbances
, Annales Geophysicae [2010]
Liu, Jing, Libo Liu, Biqiang Zhao, Weixing Wan, Roderick A. Heelis,
Response of the topside ionosphere to recurrent geomagnetic activity
, Journal of Geophysical Research [2010]
Liu, Libo, Maosheng He, Xinan Yue, Baiqi Ning, Weixing Wan,
Ionosphere around equinoxes during low solar activity
, Journal of Geophysical Research [2010]
Liu, Libo, Weixing Wan, Baiqi Ning, Man-Lian Zhang, Maosheng He, Xinan Yue,
Longitudinal behaviors of the IRI-B parameters of the equatorial electron density profiles retrieved from FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC radio occultation measurements
, Advances in Space Research [2010]
Mu, WenFeng, WeiXing Wan, ZhiPeng Ren, and JianGang Xiong,
Correlation between ionospheric longitudinal harmonic components and upper atmospheric tides
, Chinese Science Bulletin [2010]
Ren, Zhipeng, Weixing Wan, Jiangang Xiong, Libo Liu,
Simulated wave number 4 structure in equatorial F-region vertical plasma drifts
, Journal of Geophysical Research [2010]
Rong, Z. J., C. Shen, A. A. Petrukovich, W. X. Wan, Z. X. Liu,
The analytic properties of the flapping current sheets in the earth magnetotail
, Planetary and Space Science [2010]
Rong, ZhaoJin, Chao Shen, E. Lucek, A. Balogh, Li Yao,
Statistical survey on the magnetic field in magnetotail current sheets: Cluster observations
, Chinese Science Bulletin [2010]
Wan, W., J. Xiong, Z. Ren, L. Liu, M.-L. Zhang, F. Ding, B. Ning, B. Zhao, X. Yue,
Correlation between the ionospheric WN4 signature and the upper atmospheric DE3 tide
, Journal of Geophysical Research [2010]
Wang, Yuan, Hong MingHua, Chen GengXiong, Xu WenYao, Du AiMin, Zhao XuDong, Liu XiaoCan, Luo Hao,
Nightside field-aligned current during the April 6, 2000 superstorm
, Chinese Science Bulletin [2010]
Wei, Yong, Zuyin Pu, Minghua Hong, Qiugang Zong, Jianjun Liu, Jianpeng Guo, Aaron Ridley, Weixing Wan,
Long-lasting goodshielding at the equatorial ionosphere
, Journal of Geophysical Research [2010]
Zhang, Man-Lian, Chunxu Liu, Weixing Wan, Libo Liu, Baiqi Ning,
Evaluation of global modeling of M(3000)F2 and hmF2 based on alternative empirical orthogonal function expansions
, Advances in Space Research [2010]
Zhang, Ying, JingYi Chen, and XueShang Feng,
Predicting the shock arrival time using 1D-HD solar wind model
, Chinese Science Bulletin [2010]
Zhao, Biqiang, Min Wang, Tao Yu, Guirong Xu, Weixing Wan, Libo Liu,
Ionospheric total electron content variations prior to the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake
, International Journal of Remote Sensing [2010]
, 地球物理学报 [2010]
, 地球化学 [2010]
, 地球物理学报 [2010]
, 科学通报 [2010]
, 地球物理学报 [2010]
, 地球物理学报 [2010]
, 地球物理学报 [2010]
, 空间科学学报 [2010]