中国科学院日地空间环境观测研究网络 Solar-Terrestrial Environment Research Network (STERN), Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Chen, Y., L. Liu, and W. Wan,
Does the F10.7 index correctly describe solar EUV flux during the deep solar minimum of 2007–2009?
, J. Geophys. Res. [2011]
Ding, F., W. Wan, G. Xu, T. Yu, G. Yang, and J. Wang,
Climatology of medium‐scale traveling ionospheric disturbances observed by a GPS network in central China
, J. Geophys. Res. [2011]
Du, A. M., B. T. Tsurutani, and W. Sun,
Solar wind energy input during prolonged, intense northward interplanetary magnetic fields: A new coupling function
, J. Geophys. Res. [2011]
Du, A. M., et al.,
Fast tailward flows in the plasma sheet boundary layer during a substorm on 9 March 2008:THEMIS observations
, J. Geophys. Res. [2011]
Du, A. M., W. Sun , B. T. Tsurutani, R. N. Boroyev, A. V. Moiseyev,
Observations of dawn–dusk aligned polar cap aurora during the substorms of January 21, 2005
, Planetary and Space Science [2011]
Du, Aimin, Mingyu Wu, Quanming Lu, Can Huang, Shui Wang,
Transverse instability and magnetic structures associated with electron phase space holes
, Physics of Plasma [2011]
He, M., L. Liu, W. Wan, and B. Zhao,
A study on the nighttime midlatitude ionospheric trough
, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics [2011]
He, M., L. Liu, W. Wan, and Y. Wei,
Strong evidence for couplings between the ionospheric wave-4 structure and atmospheric tides
, Geophysical Research Letters [2011]
Le, H., L. Liu, and Y. Chen,
Comment on the paper "Total solar eclipse of July 22, 2009: Its impact on the total electron content and ionospheric electron density in the Indian zone" by Sharma et al.
, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics [2011]
Le, H., L. Liu, H. He, and W. Wan,
Statistical analysis of solar EUV and X-ray flux enhancements induced by solar flares and its implication to upper atmosphere
, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics [2011]
Li, G., B. Ning, A. K. Patra, W. Wan, and L. Hu,
Investigation of low‐latitude E and valley region irregularities: Their relationship to equatorial plasma bubble bifurcation
, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics [2011]
Li, G., B. Ning, M. Abdu, X. Yue, L. Liu, W. Wan, and L. Hu,
On the occurrence of post-midnight equatorial F-region irregularities during the June solstice
, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics [2011]
Li, Z., L. Liu, W. Wan, and B. Ning,
Neutral wind-driven gradient drift instability in the low-latitude daytime E region
, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics [2011]
Liu, J., L. Liu, B. Zhao, J. Lei, and W. Wan,
On the relationship between the postmidnight thermospheric equatorial mass anomaly and equatorial ionization anomaly under geomagnetic quiet conditions
, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics [2011]
Liu, L., H. Le, Y. Chen, M. He, W. Wan, and X. Yue,
Features of the middle and low latitude ionosphere during solar minimum as revealed from COSMIC radio occultation measurements
, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics [2011]
Liu, L., W. Wan, Y. Chen, and H. Le,
Solar activity effects of the ionosphere: A brief review
, Chinese Science Bulletin [2011]
Liu, L., Y. Chen, H. Le, V. I. Kurkin, N. M. Polekh, and C. C. Lee,
The ionosphere under extremely prolonged low solar activity
, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics [2011]
Luo, H., G. X. Chen, A. M. Du, V. Angelopoulos, W. Y. Xu, X. D. Zhao, and Y. Wang,
THEMIS multipoint observations of Pi2 pulsations inside and outside the plasmasphere
, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics [2011]
Ren, Z., W. Wan, L. Liu, and J. Xiong,
Simulated longitudinal variations in the lower thermospheric nitric oxide induced by non-migrating tides
, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics [2011]
Ren, Z., W. Wan, L. Liu, Y. Chen, and H. Le,
Equinoctial asymmetry of the ionospheric vertical plasma drifts and its effect on the F region plasma density
, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics [2011]
Rong, Z. J., W. X. Wan, C. Shen, X. Li, M. W. Dunlop, A. A. Petrukovich, T. L. Zhang, and E. Lucek,
Statistical survey on the magnetic structure in magnetotail current sheets
, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics [2011]
Wei, Y., W. Wan, Z. Pu, M. Hong, Q. Zong, J. Guo, B. Zhao, and Z. Ren,
The transition to overshielding after sharp and gradual interplanetary magnetic field northward turning
, J. Geophys. Res. [2011]
Wei, Y., W. Wan, Z. Pu, M. Hong, Q. Zong, J. Guo, B. Zhao, and Z. Ren,
The transition to overshielding after sharp and gradual interplanetary magnetic field northward turning
, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics [2011]
Wei, Yong, QiuGang Zong, ZuYin Pu, WeiXing Wan, JianJun Liu, SuiYan Fu, QuanQi Shi,
Enhanced anti-sunward flow near local noon during a period of horizontal IMF and high solar wind velocity V-Y
, Chinese Science Bulletin [2011]
Xiong, B., W. Wan, L. Liu, P. Withers, B. Zhao, B. Ning, Y. Wei, H. Le, Z. Ren, Y. Chen, M. He, and J. Liu,
Ionospheric response to the X-Class solar flare on 7 September 2005
, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics [2011]
Zhang, Y., J. H. Jiang, Z. P. Li , A. M. Du, and X. H. Zhao,
Quantum Symmetry for a System with a Singular Lagrangian Containing Subsidiary Condition
, International Journal of Theoretical Physics [2011]
Zhao B., W. Wan, X. Yue, L. Liu, Z. Ren, M. He, and J. Liu,
Global characteristics of occurrence of an additional layer in the ionosphere observed by COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3
, Geophysical Research Letters [2011]
Zhao, B., W. Wan, B. Reinisch, X. Yue, H. Le, J. Liu, and B. Xiong,
Features of the F3 layer in the low‐latitude ionosphere at sunset
, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics [2011]
刘静, 万卫星, 黄建平, 张学民, 赵庶凡,
, 地球物理学报 [2011]
刘立波, 万卫星, 陈一定, 乐会军,
, 科学通报 [2011]
罗浩, 陈耿雄, 杜爱民,孙炜, 徐文耀, 张莹, 赵旭东, 王源,
, 地球物理学报 [2011]
, 科学通报 [2011]
宋茜, 丁锋, 万卫星, 刘立波, 宁百齐,
, 地球物理学报 [2011]
, 地球物理学进展 [2011]
, 地球物理学进展 [2011]
, 地球物理学报 [2011]